Garance DUJOUX:
June 22 - August 2021
June 22 - August 2021
Garance is a student in Applied Arts. She has just completed her final year in High School. She displays her research and work on paper / textile.

Annick MILLOT:
July 19 - October 2020
This summer, travel with the curiosities of Annick MILLOT ...

February 15 - July 19, 2020
Myleine GUIARD-SCHMID is a shooting operator, director and stop-motion animator.
The exhibition is based on the illustrations made for the animated film "semences buissonnières".

Studio Couleur et Lumière & EAJ des Bordes
January 11 - February 20, 2020
L'ART POUR LE DIRE is an artistic association of the MUTUALITE FRANCAISE BOURGUIGNONNE which came to life 20 years ago.
It works on a daily basis to support people in their artistic creation projects. Among other things, it proposes a project every year with a new and motivating theme each time.
About thirty establishments participate each year.
The EAJ des Bordes from Montbard is happy to participate annually in this project because it allows to :
meet, exchange, create new links
recognize an artistic background
please oneself
get out of isolation
open up and discover cultural and artistic dimensions
promote the creative capacities of people with disabilities or those who are vulnerable
be part of a project approach
stimulate everyone's creativity
discover the "artist" which simmers within each of us